Monday, June 11, 2012

A Day in the Life...

After a whirlwind weekend, we had a productive as well as relaxing day. It was lovely waking up to the sun this morning! I always have more energy when the sun is streaming through our bedroom window. So after breakfast we got right to it.

William has been asking me to sort some Lego/Megabloks we bought off Craigslist last week, and I’ve been putting him off for days. So despite the itch to go outside, we sat down in the office, Googled the different sets and put them together. While we sorted, Annaliese curled up in her old infant car seat that is in our “ to toss” pile and read some books. I think she almost fell asleep.

After we finished organizing the toys, I took the kids outside to put the finishing touches on the vegetable garden. I found 4-for-$1 veggie starters at a greenhouse last week, and I finally had the time to plant them today. William helped dig holes, Annaliese squished them out of the containers and I did the planting. Hopefully we will have some peppers, tomatoes and eggplants by the end of summer! I’m a little worried about this late start to summer, but I’m going to try to keep them fertilized and watered for maximum potential.

Just a side note, I joined a free online garden site last week called The Smart Gardener. You can input statistics about your area and info about your garden and it will help you keep track of maintaining your plants. I was able to make an online version of my garden including all the specific varieties of plants and dates for when I planted things. But if I didn’t already have my garden planted I could have had the website generate suggestions for what, where, and when to plant different veggies. I should mention that only the veggies are free of charge. If you want to add fruit or herbs to your “garden”, you have to purchase the add-on. I am more interested in veggies anyways, so I wasn’t too disappointed. So far I think it is pretty cool. I don’t claim to have a green thumb, so I appreciate all the help I can get!

While I finished up the garden, I realized my little miss had wandered off. I was just about to check the front yard when she came skipping out of the garage in her swim suit. Apparently she has figured out that when work is finished and the sun is shining it is time to cool off. William was happy to haul out the hose and fill up the lady bug, our ex-sand box. I tried reading in the sun for a bit, but I didn’t last much longer than 30 minutes. It was hot out there! Good thing it was time for lunch.

After lunch the kids went to their rooms for quiet time and I read some more. (Oh, and I ate a yogurt pop…to stay cool, of course…) I just started reading a book called “Educating the Wholehearted Child”. I’m really enjoying it so far! It is a book about homeschooling, and I think it will be a great summer read to put fall plans in perspective. I appreciate how the authors put God at the heart of education and show how everything else about schooling will fall into place as long as God is first. So true!

Well, that was our day! Nothing too exciting, but it was wonderful anyways.

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