Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Our Wee Babe is here!!! On May 31,2012 We welcomed Kaylyn into the world. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 18 3/4" long. We were so thankful for a safe and healthy labor and delivery. It was insanely fast but we wouldn't have wanted it any other way:) I can't believe that tomorrow she will be 4 weeks old already! She is a super good baby most of the time lol She is just a little stinker and wants to be held all the time. She has been that way since day one. She never liked being in her bassinet in the hospital and it still hasn't changed. She can be sound asleep and the minute we put her down she starts to fuss and within 5 minutes she is wailing:( We have tired a billion different things to get her to be able to sleep on her own. It was really hard at first because she was so little but now that she is almost a month old we are letting her cry it out longer and longer. AND as I am writing this she is sleeping in her crib by herself!!! I am really hoping I don't jinx myself by writing that lol She definitely was crying off and on for a while but she was fed, burped, and had a clean diaper so I knew she was fine. I am super thankful that today was the day that it worked because I have my sister-in-law coming any minute for a haircut and then I have another guy's cut after her! So hopefully she will be a good girl and sleep till mommy is done working:) 

Here are a few pics from the hospital

This was taken a couple minutes after she was born. I didn't get to hold her right away since her shoulder got stuck:( So they had to check her out to make sure she was okay. 

Me looking quite dead due to lots of blood loss

Jeremy holding his daughter for the first time:) So cute! 

Proud Daddy:) 

He couldn't wait to get on that phone and call everyone. He kept on asking me if he could call people. I was like dude chill out! lol I wanted to call people too but I had to lay with my feet above my head from the blood loss and because I kept on feeling like I was going to pass out. Apparently my blood pressure went insanely low. All I knew was that I just wanted to sleep and to have the doctor and the nurses to stop talking to me ha ha I didn't realize they were trying to keep me from passing out:) 

Me feeling a bit better (still really pale but that is okay) 

 Me feeling a billion times better after a shower! I remember after my shower feeling like I did not just have a baby three hours earlier. It was the weirdest thing! It just felt like the whole labor was a crazy dream I had just had. Must have been the pain meds they gave me afterwards:)


Kaylyn was Jeremy's parents' first grandchild:) 

 Family Pic!

Four generations

We finally got to go home on Saturday afternoon! Yay! 

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