Monday, December 17, 2012

Kaylyn 6 months old!

Our little wee babe is growing up! It is sad and happy at the same time. I wish I could just lock her at this age for about a year and then let her keep growing :) She is just such a happy baby! She rarely cries and when she does she is either ready for sleep or she is hungry. She has been saying da da a lot lately. Too bad shes doesn't actually mean Jeremy but we still think it's cute:) She also got two little bottom teethies a little over a week ago so that was really exciting. I noticed them at my side of the family's Christmas Party when she grabbed my finger and started chewing on it. I was obviously super surprised to feel something sharp in her mouth! I felt kinda bad afterwards because that whole day she was just a bit of a fussy pants. Not really crying a lot just being a little winy and not wanting to sleep a whole lot. I got her in trouble a couple times because I put her down to go do something and she would arch her back and scream. Ya I was not super impressed with that and she knew it too because she stopped after I got her in trouble :) Even though I want her to know she can't just scream like that I did feel bad because she was in pain. Poor little bug! Parenting is tough!

Here are a few photos from our Christmas Party! 
Kaylyn with Great Grandpa Haveman

Grandpa Bisschop, Kaylyn, Julienne, and Great Grandpa Haveman

Kaylyn attacking her present :) 

Of course the wrapping paper was the most exciting part! 

Jeremy being ... himself ha ha I love him :) 

I have no idea what was going on here but I think its pretty funny 

Kaylyn & Julienne with the Great Grandparents 

Cousin love! Kaylyn is 6 months and Julienne is 2 months <3 

My parents with all their grandkids!

We started Kaylyn on some rice cereal a little over a week ago as well. The first time was hilarious! I will try to link the YouTube video down below. The second day went okay but after that she would do good one day and the next she would get super ticked off! And she never gets ticked off so we weren't really sure what to do. Here comes another parenting dilemma! We don't want her being the boss or a picky eater but after a couple days of trying/fighting with her we figured something had to change. Thankfully we were over at our friends Steve & Jessica's the other night and she suggested just trying the oatmeal I bought instead since she had heard as well that some kids just didn't like the rice and I could always use it later to add to applesauce and what not. Well she was pretty much brilliant because last night I tired the oatmeal and she at almost the whole thing plus her 6oz bottle. Yay for Kaylyn! She was pretty proud of herself too :)

Fist Attempt



I also just found this one as well. I think she is about 3 months here:)

Little Kaylyn bug is also sitting up really well on her own. I kinda wonder if she could have done it a while ago and I just never tried it or thought to try it for that matter:) I think I just sat her up in her play pen about two weeks ago and she has only fallen over a couple times and that is with no back support or anything! Hmm little stinker:) She loves sitting on her own. She flaps her arms like a crazy bird and just yells da da really loud. lol Who needs other entertainment when you have Kaylyn around! When we lay her on the floor on her back she still scoots around on her head. Come to think of it I don't know if I have ever taken a video of her doing that. Well it is super hilarious to watch. It also explains why she has tons of hair on the top of her head and not so much on the back and sides :)

Here is a sneak peek picture my friend Angela Joy Photography sent me of Kaylyn's 6 month photos. I can't wait to see the rest! 

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